

您当前的位置:首页 >广东省 > 东莞市 >东莞市 >东莞市黄江大为塑胶制品厂
今天是 03月14 星期五

东莞市黄江大为吸塑包装制品厂位于广东省东莞市黄江镇黄京坑管理区,拥有得天独地的地理环境,交通方便。是生产吸塑包装制品的厂家,主要产品为PET圆筒、PVC圆筒、吸塑内托、吸塑罩、折边吸塑、各种周转用PP、PS托盘、热压吸塑等,同时可配置丝印,移印。产品广泛用于电子类、灯饰、工艺品、玩具、礼品、文具、化妆品,日用品等产品的外包装。 我厂所生产的PET圆筒及PVC圆筒,透明性好,而且经过涮浆和卷边处理后产品不变白,结合处自然美观,线条柔和。特别是PET圆筒,经过我厂技术人员的不断钻研,终于攻克了PET圆筒卷边及刷胶处的胶水发白问题,填补了这一行业的一个空白,深受广大客户的好评。 本厂拥有数台先进数控高速真空吸塑机,一个无尘圆筒生产车间,使用德国先进圆筒卷边机;工厂拥有一批技术力量雄厚,经验丰富的技术人员,一个结构完善的管理体制。 产品使用不同的片材,如:PET 、PVC、PS、PE、PP等片材,可根据客户不同产品的不同需要进行配套生产。 本厂一直坚持“客户至上,信誉,保质保量,服务周到,价格从优”的宗旨,不断开拓、创新、进取以更高的品质服务于市场,欢迎广大客户来电垂询或亲临本厂进行指导! General Plastic, Established in 2004 as a manufacturer which specialized in plastic packaging. Our mainly products are PET tube, PVC tube, plastic trade, plastic cover, plastic break, thermoplastic product and so on. We also can make the silk-screen and HOT stamping base on customers’ requirement. And they are broadly apply to the packaging of Electric, lamp, article, toys, gift, stationery, cosmetic and commodity lines. The advanced equipment and high technology Engineer are our strongly dong which lead us to make the good quality products. We have a workshop which with 5 millions motes and the whole administration system. Our product using the different pieces materials, such as PET, PVC, the good transparence, the natural handsome in the link, and the rub up line is our products’ trait, which have the good appraise. Always, we persevere in “ Top customer, First credit standing, Assure quality, Good service, Competitive price” as our tenet to carve out, innovate and push more better product to serve the market, welcome to call us or visit our company to give us your valuable suggestion.

公司名称 东莞市黄江大为塑胶制品厂
所 在 地 广东省 黄江镇黄京坑管理区
